
State Police And Registry Of Motor Vehicles Fraud Investigations Lead To Criminal Charges

According to an October 13, 2018 Boston Globe Article, over the past year the State Police and Registry of Motor Vehicles have brought criminal charges against at least five individuals who allegedly have taken part in scamming the Massachusetts drivers license permit t...

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Criminal Arrest Warrants | License Suspensions

In the past, if you failed to appear for a criminal court hearing date and a warrant was issued, the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles would suspended your drivers license. The law was changed and no longer do arrest warrants generate license suspensions. However, when the...

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Out of State Citations and Massachusetts License Suspensions

Massachusetts License Holders and Residents need to be aware that if they receive a citation outside of Massachusetts they could face a license suspension in Massachusetts. What may appear to be a ticket that is a fine only, may result in a 60-day or longer license suspension. Li...

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How To Get Your License Suspended As A Junior Operator In Massachusetts

Imagine, you just turned sixteen, studied for a couple of weeks, and passed the Massachusetts Permit Test. Or, you are sixteen and a half, spent countless hours in drivers education and, finally passed the road examination and in a flash, your permit or license is suspended.In M...

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