What Is A Hardship License?

Everyday the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) sends out countless license suspension notices. Most notices only provide you with the start date and length of the suspension and vague one sentence reason for the suspension. The notices are bare and do not provide you with any guidance or information. There are a large number of ways that the Registry can suspend your driving privileges. In fact, you may not even be a Massachusetts Resident or License Holder and the Registry can suspend your privilege to operate in Massachusetts.
Depending on the reason for your license suspension you may be eligible to apply for a Hardship License at the Registry of Motor Vehicles. The Registry only grants relief for individuals suspended for Operating Under the Influence (first and second offenses) and those suspended as Habitual Traffic Offenders. The Division of Insurance Board of Appeals has much more authority and can grant hardship relief for just about any type of suspension. The Board at this time will not consider granting hardship relief for Chemical Test Refusal (breathalyzer test refusal) suspensions.
Whether you are eligible at the Registry or the Board depends a number of factors, such as:
- Type of Suspension;
- Length of Suspension;
- How time has been served; and
- Is there any evidence that you have operated a vehicle during the suspension period.
In general a hardship license is license that can be used for any purpose seven days a week but is limited to just twelve (12) hours a day. Most people think of a hardship license as a work license, but once the license is granted, it can be used for any purpose. The most common grounds that a hardship license is granted is for employment, medical and family raising purposes. Attorney Gilman guides his clients through the process to ensure they obtain all the necessary to show the need for the hardship relief.
If your license or right to operate is suspended, please contact Attorney Gilman for a free case review and consultation. After your free consultations you will have all the answers to your questions and know exactly what steps must be taken in order to get your license and driving privileges reinstated. Having a former hearing officer review your case will ensure you get truthful answers and advice.