Calculating License Suspension Reinstatement Fees

Individuals in Massachusetts who loose their license due to a license suspension will be required to pay a reinstatement fee prior to their driving privileges being reinstated. Calculating license suspension reinstatement fees used to a be a simple task, however with the new RMV ATLAS System, individuals may need a graphic calculator to figure out the final reinstatement fee.
Up until the rollout of the ATLAS System, individuals with license suspensions would generally pay a single fee based on the most expensive offense for which they are suspended. Under the old system even if you had multiple suspensions on your record, a Hearing Officer would clear off and set a single fee on the most expensive of all the suspension. Those were the easy days.
Today, the reinstatement fee will be the cumulative value for each and every offense that your license or right to operate was suspended for. For example if your license was suspended for a first offense OUI, refusing the Breathalyzer Test and failing to pay a ticket you will pay the fee for all three offenses.
Below is a list of the individual license suspension reinstatement fees:
1st Offense OUI $500
2nd Offense OUI $700
3rd Offense OUI $1,200
4th Offense OUI $1,200
7 Surchargeable Events $100
3 Surchargeable Events $100
Admin. Per Se. (Breathalyzer Test Failure) $500
Breathalyzer Test Refusal $500
Immediate Threat Suspension (not applicable to medical suspensions) $500
Habitual Traffic Offender $500
License Fraud $500
Operating After Suspension $500
Citation Payment Default $100
Theft / Concealment MV $500
Uninsured Motor Vehicle $500
If you are facing or have a current license suspension and want to get your license reinstated – contact Attorney Gilman today.