Registry Of Motor Vehicles To Run National Driver Registry Match Impacting Thousands

It seems that the fall out from the horrific motor vehicle accident in New Hampshire that led to the death of seven individuals continues to embroil the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles. Following the horrific actions of Mr. Volodymyr Zhukovskyy, it was discovered that the Registry of Motor Vehicles had been failing to process out of state convictions notices. States across the United States had been sending electric and paper notices to the Massachusetts RMV, when a Massachusetts Resident or License Holder was convicted of an offense outside of Massachusetts. The offenses could have been a minor speeding violation or a conviction of motor vehicle homicide.
It was announced by MassDOT that for some unexplained reason, these out of state conviction notices had not being opened and processed since at least March, 2018. The responsibility for opening and processing the paper notices has shifted from many departments within the Massachusetts RMV. In 2011 through at least 2014 the responsibility fell on the the Driver Control Unit (DCU) in Boston. Even back in 2011 the state was failing to keep up with the paper notifications and mail bins simply piled up with unopened mail. Apparently, at some point after 2014 the responsibility shifted to the Merit Rating Board. It was announced soon after it was discovered the Mr. Zhukovskyy's Commercial Drivers License (CDL) should have been suspened, that at least 73 USPS mail bins were found with unopened out of state suspension notices. It was also discovered that Massachusetts has failed to notify other states that a license holder from another state suspended in Massachusetts. A violation of federal law.
Following the discovery of the likely tens of thousands of unopened conviction notices the Registry has been working in overdrive to enter conviction information into the Massachusetts drivers license system (ATLAS). Additionally, the state has added new programming to ensure any resident or Massachusetts license holder will have their license suspended upon notification from another state of a DUI/OUI conviction or breathalyzer refusals. Finally, the state has announced that the RMV will process all new conviction notices within twenty-four hours of receipt of the paper copy.
It was also announced that the state will be running a full check of Massachusetts License Holders with the National Driver Registry. The National Driver Registry maintains a computerized database containing information on individuals whose privilege to operate a motor vehicle has been revoked, suspended, canceled or denied or who have been convicted of serious traffic-related offenses. The databases maintained by the National Driver Registry are designed to send the information from the entering state to the state where the individual is licensed.
This statewide review of the NDR System will impact thousands of drivers who are currently suspended in another state. If during the search a Massachusetts License Holder is identified as being suspended in another state, Massachusetts will issue an indefinite license suspension. The out of state suspension could be something as minor as an unpaid fine to as serious as a lifetime license suspension.
If you receive a notification from the Massachusetts RMV that your license is being suspended indefinitely, do not feel alone. Thousands of individuals across the Commonwealth are now learning that their license is suspended indefinitely. Do not fight the Registry of Motor Vehicles alone. Speak with us today to see how we can work with you to get your license reinstated as quickly as possible. Contact Attorney Gilman today.