Leaving The Scene Of An Accident Or Property Damage | License Suspension Attorney

Under Massachusetts law, when a person is convicted of leaving the scene of either personal injury or property damage, there is a mandatory license suspension in addition to any criminal penalties.
When you are involved in an accident in Massachusetts, the law does not require a lot, but you cannot just leave. You are required to stop and exchange your name, home address, and vehicle registration information. Failure to immediately stop and exchange these basic pieces of information could lead to significant criminal charges and driver license ramifications.
If you are found guilty or plead guilty to leaving the scene of an accident causing property damage, the result will be a 60-day license suspension for a first offense. If you have a prior conviction for the same charge within three years, your driver's license will be suspended for one year.
If you are found guilty or plead guilty to leaving the scene of an accident that caused personal injury, your license will be suspended for one year. If at any point you were previously convicted for the same charge, your license suspension will be for two years.
If you are convicted for leaving the scene of personal injury or property damage, the Registry of Motor Vehicles has no legal authority and will not consider you for a hardship license. Although the Registry of Motor Vehicles will not consider your hardship appeal, the Board of Appeal has authority to hear your appeal and grant you a hardship license. However, whether the Board will grant any relief is not guaranteed. Although empowered to grant relief whether the Board votes to exercise it is entirely discretionary. In most cases, the Registry will be represented by an attorney. At the hearing, they will present your driving and criminal records to the Board and argue against you.
If your license is suspended for leaving the scene of personal injury or property damage, Gilman Law can help you get back on the road.
Attorney Matthew Gilman has represented thousands of clients against the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles and before the Division of Insurance Board of Appeals. He has argued 30A Administrative Appeals against the Registry of Motor Vehicles in the Superior Court. As a former RMV Hearing Officer Attorney Gilman knows how to get his clients' drivers licenses back. Attorney Gilman and his team are dedicated to License Suspension Law and OUI/DUI Defense. Over 90% of Attorney Gilman's clients have received license suspension relief from the RMV and Board of Appeals. Contact Attorney Gilman today for a free license suspension consultation.