Consult Our Driver’s License Suspension Attorney Before Accepting A Mandatory Suspension

Avoiding Suspensions: Legal Solutions for Surchargeable Offenses
A surchargable offense is an at-fault accident or other traffic offense that could increase your insurance premium. The more of these offenses you rack up, the more likely you are to lose your license. Before just giving up and accepting the suspension, contact attorney Matthew Gilman to see if there is anything you can do to avoid these classes and suspensions.
Three Surchargeable Offenses Suspension
If you have received three surchargeable offenses on your Massachusetts driving record within a two year period, your license could be suspended. The Registry of Motor Vehicles will require that you complete a one-day, eight-hour driver retraining program offered by the National Safety Council. Even if you previously completed the program, the addition of one new offense could send you back to the class again.
Seven Surchargeable Offenses Suspension
If you receive seven or more surchargeable offenses within a three year period, the Registry of Motor Vehicles will automatically suspend your license and right to operate for 60 days. The Registry of Motor Vehicles views this as a mandatory suspension and has no authority to grant any hardship licenses for this type of suspension.
Habitual Traffic Offender Suspension
If the Registry of Motor Vehicle receives notices that you have been found guilty of three major violations or a combination of 12 major or minor moving violations within five years, the RMV will suspend your license and right to operate for four years. Under the Massachusetts Habitual Traffic Offender Law, major offenses include a conviction for operating under the influence, license fraud, driving to endanger, leaving the scene of an accident, driving after suspension or revocation, using a motor vehicle in the commission of a felony and driving without a license. Not only will a conviction in the state of Massachusetts count towards a Habitual Traffic Offender suspension, but out-of-state convictions will count as well.
The Registry of Motor Vehicles can consider granting hardship licenses to habitual traffic offenders only after they have served one year of the four-year license suspension. Contact Attorney Matthew Gilman today to begin preparing the process for applying for a hardship license.