The Division of Insurance Board of Appeals is an administrative board with authority over the Registry of Motor Vehicles in Massachusetts. This administrative board was established to hear appeals of any ruling or decision by the Registry of Motor Vehicles. In many cases, an appeal to the Board of Appeals can be an extremely fruitful avenue for relief from a license suspension for many clients. However, unlike hearings at the Registry of Motor Vehicles which are scheduled virtually by the operator, board hearings are scheduled by the board itself on a rolling basis. Due to the number of appeals being filed at the board, there is currently a backlog of cases which has created significant wait times for an appeal hearing date. The length and type of suspension will determine the wait time for the appeal hearing date. Our firm represents clients at anywhere from 10-20 Board of Appeals Hearings per week. Based on our experience regularly appealing and representing clients, the wait time for an appeal date is approximately as follows

  • 6-month Complaint Fraudulent License Suspension: 4-6 weeks 
  • 6-month Junior Operator License Suspension: 4-6 weeks
  • Operating Under the Influence Suspension: 6-8 months
  • 5-year Habitual Traffic Offender Suspension: 6-8 months
  • Ignition Interlock Device Requirement Appeal: 6-8 months
  • Immediate Threat Suspension: 8-10 months
  • 10-year Ignition Interlock Violation Suspension: 15-18 months

If you have any questions about the Board of Appeals process, please feel free to call our office anytime for a free consultation

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