
DUI Blood Test: Overview And Laws

When you are arrested in Massachusetts for a DUI/OUI, the arresting officer has the right to perform a breathalyzer or chemical test to confirm their suspicion that you are driving while intoxicated. In Massachusetts, state law says that by driving a car, an individual has alread...

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What Happens After A DUI Resulting In Death?

DUI cases that lead to death are high risk and must be addressed immediately. These offenses should be taken seriously and addressed by an experienced professional.  In Massachusetts, if you are involved in a DUI that results in a death, the state can charge you with&n...

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Field Sobriety Test In Massachusetts

Field sobriety tests are roadside tests administered when a police officer suspects a driver could be operating under the influence. If an officer requires a person to take the sobriety test, more likely than not, the officer has already determined they will be arrested for an&nb...

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Can A Motion To Suppress Help Your DUI Case?

Motions to Suppress can help exclude evidence or statements when obtained illegally or against procedure. Your DUI attorney can file Motion's to Suppress in the court where your criminal charges are pending which is a written request to the court to do something. What Is A...

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What Is A Continuance Without A Finding (CWOF)?

In Massachusetts, a Continuance Without a Finding (CWOF) is a plea when a defendant is charged with a criminal offense including an OUI offense. The defendant admits that there are sufficient facts that a jury could find them guilty. If the court accepts the continuance with...

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Breathalyzer Test: Laws And Overview

Drivers under arrest in Massachusetts for Operating Under the Influence (OUI) will be asked to submit to a chemical test to determine their Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC). This is an “implied consent” state, meaning that if a driver is arrested for an OUI, the...

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Top Reasons Why A DUI Case Can Be Dismissed

Getting charged with a DUI does not mean you are guilty. If you are facing DUI charges, there are chances that your DUI case can be dismissed. Consult with an experienced attorney about your unique case to see what opportunities you have to get the case dismissed or re...

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Life After Multiple DUIs

A DUI conviction can seriously impact your life long after your arrest and conviction. Even having a clean record before being charged with a DUI could still turn your life upside down. Having an attorney represent you after getting arrested with a DUI can impact the l...

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A Summary Of OUI Laws For Out Of State Drivers

Each state is required to notify a driver's home state through the National Driver Register (NDR) if they have committed an offense that has caused officials to suspend or revoke their out-of-state license. If you are passing through, visiting, or recently moved to the stat...

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How A DUI Can Affect Your Massachusetts Driving Record

If you are charged with a DUI in Massachusetts, you risk the chance of it going on your driving and criminal record for life. It can have a long-lasting effect on your criminal record, therefore, impacting your career, insurance cost, and other important factors. The exact...

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